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If you are a student and interested in GoalArt and its activities, you may consider a master's project with us.

If you are interested, please contact Jan Eric Larsson,

Here is a list of previous master's projects performed at or in connection to GoalArt.
  • Alarm Cleanup Toolbox, Jonas Ahnlund, D97 and Tord Bergquist, D97, 29 October 2001.
  • A Stochastical Approach to Data Mining of Control System Archives for Monitoring Purposes, Linus Nilsson, D97, 14 March 2003.
  • Action Planning, Antonio Calzada, Dat 98, March 2004.
  • An Intelligent Line-Routing Algorithm, Agneta Hansson, Dat 00, October 2004.
Deep science and real-life technology.

GoalArt, Scheelevägen 17, 223 63 Lund, Sweden, Phone: +46 46 286 4880, Fax: +46 46 286 4882, E-mail:, Web: