MIDWEST ISO The Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO) is based in Carmel, Indiana. Midwest ISO's role is to ensure equal access to the transmission system and to maintain or improve electric system reliability in the Midwest. Utilities with more than 100 000 miles of transmission lines covering 1.1 million square miles from Manitoba to Kentucky have joined Midwest ISO. EPRI, FIRST ENERGY, AND MISO In 2005, GoalArt started a pilot project with EPRI to create a system for real-time on-line root cause analysis of large alarm cascades in power grids. GoalArt's methods for root cause analysis will be connected to EPRI's Operator Training Simulator (OTS) via the Common Information Model (CIM) protocol. Midwest ISO is a member of the project, and DeBor and Associates participates as a consultant. First Energy joined the project in 2006. FURTHER INFORMATION For questions, please feel free to contact Jan Eric Larsson, President and CEO of GoalArt, or Steve Lee, Electric Power Research Institute. E-mail: janeric@goalart.com E-mail: slee@epri.com Read more: EPRI Read more: First Energy Read more: MISO |
GoalArt, Scheelevägen 17, 223 63 Lund, Sweden, Phone: +46 46 286 4880, Fax: +46 46 286 4882, E-mail: info@goalart.com, Web: www.goalart.com. |